My writings, repos and web sites

Econometrics and computer skills
- Econometrics Navigator is a guide to free and open econometrics and machine learning textbooks and good tutorials.
- What I missed lists computer and data skills for economists (in Russian).
Functional programming
7 classes of Haskell , a curated introduction to Haskell by Yuras Shumovich and a follow-up reading list.
My Russian translation of Functional Programming Jargon .
Reliability engineering
- is a guide for chaos testing of high-load IT systems.
Curriculum design
- superhero has learning guidelines for AI for Business Leaders course.
- product-topics is a draft of a product management course.
Tools I used for my previous pages
This site replaces a few peronal web pages I build earlier using various static site generators:
Academic theme for Hugo1 (now part of Wowchemy CMS) stands out as a construction kit specifically for scholarly pages, but something as simple as Google Sites is less hassle to maintain.
Jupyter Book is a great to publish notebooks, markdown and reStructuredText (rst) texts in a book view. bookdown for R and mdBook and Furo have similar layouts.
icode and observer (mirror) are built with loveit theme. It's a nice blogging theme for Hugo and actively maintained! Inserting Twitter card by shortcode is a killer feature - mkdocs does not seem to have this capability yet.
things I learned (TIL) was a short experiment in Zettelkasten-style note-taking, it is plain text files sitting in a repo. Can also use Obsidian, orgroam, Notable.
two tweet collections with a bit of Twitter card generation in Python
my short bio and projects at
Hugo is great to use with superb Doks theme. ↩