Econometrics ============ General textbooks ----------------- - Thread about [picking a textbook]( - Favorite introductory book: [Peter Kennedy. A Guide To Econometrics](,5&sciodt=0,5) - Very condensed synopsis of [undergrad econometrics]( Some well-known texts: - Greene - Dougherty - Stock and Watson - Hayashi - [@Verbeek]( A Guide to Modern Econometrics, in 5th edition in 2017. [TOC and preface]( Open access: - [Hansen. Econometircs]( Cross Section and Panel Data ---------------------------- - [Wooldridge. Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data]( - [МНЕ](, with criticisms by: - Diebold: ["sub-sub-sub-area of applied econometrics"]( - [J. Pearl]( MHE is one of few books with excercises [reproduced on github]( Criticism of MHE: > Rather, it's a companion for a highly-specialized group of applied non-structural micro-econometricians hoping to estimate causal effects using non-experimental data and largely-static, linear, regression-based methods. It's a novel treatment of that sub-sub-sub-area of applied econometrics, but pretending to be anything more is most definitely harmful, particularly to students, who have no way to recognize the charade as a charade. - [Lecture Notes in Microeconometrics]( - nicely presented topics in econometrics for microeconomics from OLS to bootstrap, with guides to software. Time Series ----------- Heavyweight: - [Hamilton](,5) Other: - [Diebold]( - [Granger/Watson time series chapter in Handbook of Econometrics]( - [Enders]( - [Jeffrey Parker. Fundamental Concepts of Time-Series Econometrics]( in *Theory and Practice of Econometrics. Reed College course* Macroeconomic time series: - [John H. Cochrane. Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance.]( - [Eric Sims. Graduate Macro Theory II: Notes on Time Series]( - [Lars Peter Hansen. Time Series Econometrics in Macroeconomics and Finance]( - [Hilde C. Bjørnland and Leif Anders Thorsrud. Applied time series for macroeconomics.]( (not open source, but good table of contents and has MATLAB code) - [Karl Whelan. Time Series and Macroeconomics.]( (also see RATS code and other lectures on the web site) Вayesian Methods ---------------- - [Bayesian Methods for Hackers]( has programming-first approach. - [SciPy 2019 Lecture on Bayesian Model Evaluation and Criticism]( - [A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification](, an overwhelmingly popular StackOverflow answer. - [Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in brms and the tidyverse]( - [Statistical Rethinking A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan (& PyMC3 & brms & Julia too)]( Non-economics ------------- #### Biostatistics Regression modelling strategies with Applications to Linear Models, Logistic and Ordinal Regression, and Survival Analysis by FE Harrell: - [course website]( - [free online course notes, >100 pages](