Next release:¶
DS for economists:, Data Science for Economists.
MLE update with Julia example by @johnmyleswhite
v.0.0.7 (January 2020)¶
v.0.0.7 (January 2020)¶
Textbooks: @HarryDCrane on Probability and statistics books, mml-book by @mpd37, @AnalogAldo, @ChengSoonOng.
Blogs: @StatModeling statmodeling blog and videos
‘Teaching at…?’: @DinaPomeranz on seminar attitudes
Timeless tweets by @TedPetrou, @FrnkNlsn, @bencasselman, @JazzArtemis, @stephenaguilar and others.
v.0.0.6 (late evening at the very, very end of November 2019):¶
Econometrics: rms by @f2harrell, @Verbeek
Blogs: @kaz_yos on clinical/biostat papers
Topics: OLS baby dragons by @EpiEllie, @nickchk LOST, @ahmaurya comment on ANOVA, Tesla truck derivatives
‘Teaching at…?’: @voxeu on top5 journals and @saragoldrickrab on equity in American education
Math preliniaries: Gilbert Strang lin alg lectures (HT @ryxcommar), neural-network math by A.C.C. - Coolen, matrix calculus by @jeremyphoward and Terence Parr (HT @iamtrask)
ML/DL: puzzles by Boaz Barak and textbook by @michael_nielsen
Software-as-a-textbook: @JASPStats manual
v.0.0.5 (November 2019):¶
new TOC and flatter stucture
generated a rough pdf
minimised errors for sphinx builds for invoke renewed
v.0.0.4 (May 2019):¶
Science of teaching: quoting @gvwilson, @nickchk, @AllenDowney, @RochelleTerman at
Data: added data from @stlouisfed/@quandl/@DBnomics along with several R data sources by @nickchk at
Walpole, Myers, Myers, Ye. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
v.0.0.3 (April 2019)¶
Scraps several unfinished articles, including a section on applications (hard to fill it quickly). Three main parts in content established (own articles, textbook annotations and how to teach resources).
v.0.0.2 (November 2018)¶
Original version of EN nobody understood what it is good for, had sample articles on max likelihood, bootstrap, ANOVA.
November 09, 2019¶
drafts for cases and excercises
add more tweets
add from twitter personalities - links to them
Section 4 History may go somewhere else
logit models, tweets about them
add presentation about reproducibility
Statistical inference section is still a draft
May 13, 2019¶
draw a mindmap for econometrics (as described in text)
put key textbooks on a roadmap
pay more attention to bayesian / causality
Data science textbooks¶
Articles and code¶
write more articles and code for the main section
translate some RATS/MATLAB code to open source (especially time series)
Specific tasks:
clean ols
run pca example
Add resources on reproducible research and why it has such a poor traction in economics
DAG tools:
How to publish a textbook¶
Need an opensource textbook with interactive code examples, translation into Russian desired. Hard to see a combination of a static site generator, good theme and PDf export working smoothly.
Allen Downey on Medium
Other goals¶
review ‘depreciated’ folder, and ‘history’ page
‘vednorize’ LessOLS.jl