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On the web you can access freecodecamp or another online course, but as a programmer work a lot with command line. What if you wanted an early start with command line while learning Python? lamr is a tool you can try for this.


If you are new to command line read into What is the Command Line in "Data Science at the Command Line" book and Basics section in The Art of Command Line guide. Command Line Basics of The Odin Project has knowledge checklist and good further references.

Unlike many online courses lamr is an open-source Python package. You can explore its own code and propose changes or enhancements by writing an issue on Github and submitting a pull request. This way you can practice how to work collaboratively on a Python project and share something you know with others.


This tutorial aims to get you started using GitHub and includes repositories, branches, commits, issues and pull requests as well as writing a README. Pro Git Book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub is a bigger reading.